Monday, September 25, 2006

its been awhile...

Hady is the new singapore idol.


Yea, its been awhile. Since the last update i am now:
  • able to converse, a little, in both deutsch(guten tag) and chinesisch(你好吗?)
  • eating sensibly (no more greasy pratas)
  • 2kg lighter
  • 2 kg heavier, uhm so my weight + 2kg - 2kg = the same!!!
Now its the term/recess break and from here onwards its just 7 more weeks till the end of the semester. Hopefully, everything goes well and i will get my degree at the end of this year.

Its still to early to reflect on the past few years, i would probably do that around mid december, but i am going to make the last few weeks a good one (in terms of effort). Yea that's it for today got to hit the books.

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