Had gone to the barber to get my hair cut. Those who have their hair cut by a barber would know that it is mandatory for the barber to initiate a conversation with his customer (uhm the cuttee?). Anyway, here's my conversation with the barber:
Barber: Not working today?
Me: No, i am....
(cut of mid sentence by the barber)
Barber: Boy are you burmese? how's the weather there?
Me: I am singaporean.
Barber: Can't be you don't look like one. You must be filipino then. Yes thats right you are filipino.
Me: Uhm i am ...
(cut of mid sentence by the barber)
Barber: Boy you married?
Me: Uhm no
Barber: Why? Get married quickly and have children
By the end of the hair cut i had become a filipino who is an officer in the SAF. Why didn't i correct him? Well, he is holding on to a pair scissors and a rule of thumb is that the guy holding the sharpest weapon is always right.
Strangely enough, the above is not an isolated incident. Even my friends thought that i am a ,uhm, foreign talent (ha ha!!). Specifically, they thought i am burmese. Never been to burma nor do i know any burmese but if what everyone saying is right i just need to look at the mirror to know how someone from burmese would look like.