Friday, September 29, 2006

ich über mich

Guten Tag!

Ich komme aus Singapur. Das ist südlich von Malaysia. Ich spreche Englisch, Malaysisch, Chinesisch und etwas Deutsch.

Meine lieblingsfarbe ist lila. Mein Hobby ist Fernsehen. Ich esse gerne ‘prata’. Ich singe nicht so gern.


Not bad can write abit.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

secondary school days: mosquito court

I fondly remember my secondary school days. Those days were great. Ok not so great academically.


Nearly everyday after the end of the evening school assembly the guys (kerng soon, suhairi, max, wee yong, doraemon/stanley, Steeve, Fadil, Ilham, shaun and the rest) and myself would head down to our little secret place to play soccer. The place was situated just beside the NPCC 30 metre firing range.We lovingly called the placed "Mosquito Court". You do not need to be a genius to figure the reason why it was called that.


2 months ago i had some free time, had finished my Thesis, i made my way to my old school to reminisce abit. I was expecting the "Mosquito Court" to be demolished but i was pleasantly surprised that it was still standing. The basketball hoops are no longer there but the place itself remains unchanged. Though it would probably be demolished soon so that an expressway or carpark could be built through it. Yes screw the mosquito court because nothing absolutely nothing should get in the way of progress (very sad).

If only we could play there one final time...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

you must be Filipino

Had gone to the barber to get my hair cut. Those who have their hair cut by a barber would know that it is mandatory for the barber to initiate a conversation with his customer (uhm the cuttee?). Anyway, here's my conversation with the barber:

Barber: Not working today?
Me: No, i am....
(cut of mid sentence by the barber)

Barber: Boy are you burmese? how's the weather there?
Me: I am singaporean.

Barber: Can't be you don't look like one. You must be filipino then. Yes thats right you are filipino.
Me: Uhm i am ...
(cut of mid sentence by the barber)

Barber: Boy you married?
Me: Uhm no
Barber: Why? Get married quickly and have children

By the end of the hair cut i had become a filipino who is an officer in the SAF. Why didn't i correct him? Well, he is holding on to a pair scissors and a rule of thumb is that the guy holding the sharpest weapon is always right.


Strangely enough, the above is not an isolated incident. Even my friends thought that i am a ,uhm, foreign talent (ha ha!!). Specifically, they thought i am burmese. Never been to burma nor do i know any burmese but if what everyone saying is right i just need to look at the mirror to know how someone from burmese would look like.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


About a year ago, Arts Central had organised a massive short-short-movie competition. Short-short because the movie runtime must not exceed 1 minute. The top 10 entries will each received S$500.


I do not know why but i took up my trusty S$75.00 1.2MP BENQ digital camera and started shooting a movie. The end product was not too bad considering that it was very much a one man show.

The movie has absolutely no plot and it was shot on a whim with no planning at all. The only thing you will learnt from it is that you have just wasted 1 minute of your life watching it.

Extensive planning was done prior to the filming. The movie was shot in the first person view and i would classify it as a comedy. A tongue in cheek look at something very ordinary. Despite it being a comedy it does raised a few thought provoking issues on our society and i assure you that by the end of the film the viewers would have learnt an invaluable lesson about life and would be a better individual because of it (yeah, right).

Sadly though, i did not send it in.

Monday, September 25, 2006

its been awhile...

Hady is the new singapore idol.


Yea, its been awhile. Since the last update i am now:
  • able to converse, a little, in both deutsch(guten tag) and chinesisch(你好吗?)
  • eating sensibly (no more greasy pratas)
  • 2kg lighter
  • 2 kg heavier, uhm so my weight + 2kg - 2kg = the same!!!
Now its the term/recess break and from here onwards its just 7 more weeks till the end of the semester. Hopefully, everything goes well and i will get my degree at the end of this year.

Its still to early to reflect on the past few years, i would probably do that around mid december, but i am going to make the last few weeks a good one (in terms of effort). Yea that's it for today got to hit the books.